Thursday, November 18, 2010

Part Time Student & Full Time Life

Being a mature student at NAIT has its advantages and disadvantages in many aspects. 

Some advantages mature students experience:
  • I don't sweat the small things in life, and the sun will always rise tomorrow, no matter how bad the day is today

  • I know what's really important and what's not important, based on life experience alone

  • I have real responsibilities in life and know if things get hard, you can't just quit, just wait until you have a mortgage and a full time boss that can "Fire" you in a heart beat. That's when reality hits you hard and you have to just suck it up and move forward, because people are counting on you.
Some disadvantages mature students experience:
  • Full time Husband, Dad, and Employee have there moments trying to fit in School and find balance

  • Missing saying good night to my kids, reading them stories and hearing about their day

  • Feeling guilty that my wife is a single mom some days and the stress she goes through in a week
Overall, its all about balance and support on all levels that make the difference. As the saying goes, "Short term pain for long term gain". With a full time career, Husband, Dad of three kids and going to school so I can have more opportunities all boils down the most important thing in life.....

Sacrificing yourself so your family and children can have more opportunities in the future is why I'm in School today so my family has a brighter tomorrow. Its not how much money you have in the bank or how big your house is or the a title you have behind your name. One song writer that inspired me in life was Allan Jackson and the words from a specific song he wrote:

"The greatest contributions, are the ones you leave behind"

 In my opinion that is the most important reason why I do the things I do, to give someone else a better life even after I'm gone. It's never about you, its always about the ones you love....

1 comment:

  1. good to know this one. better life is what i want .....
